
Research Network

We coordinate the FWO Belgium Research Network for Network Science BENet

Conferences and Schools

We are helping to organise NetSci 2025 in Maastricht, the Netherlands!
Check out the website for more information: NetSci2025

Seminar Series

offline: FEB Faculteitsraadzaal UGent, Tweekerkenstraat 2, Ghent. *take the lift to 2nd floor, go left and walk towards the glass door, then enter and go right.

We will not be organising seminars for a while, but keep an eye open!


There are no planned activities at the moment.

Past Events

20 September 2024: PhD defence of Bart de Clerck

5 June 2024: PhD defence of Martín A. Valdez

27 October 2022: Mini-workshop with the teams of Prof Ryota Kobayashi (Univ Tokyo, Japan) and Prof Hiroya Nakao (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

19-23 September 2022: Summer School - Ghent Summer of DANS 2022

15 October 2021: CSI kick-off meeting

12 November 2020: Workshop - BENet 2020: Belgian Network Research Meeting (online)

5 November 2020: PhD defence of Kevin Hoefman. Watch on youtube

4 April 2020: CSI kick-off meeting

20 January 2020: PhD defence of Andres M. Belaza Vallejo

Past Seminars

What: Fostering network collaboration – a topic modelling approach
Who: Dr Matthew Smith, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
When: 28.04.2022 at 16h-17h CET

What: Finding a potential of human flow for revealing urban spatial structures
Who: Prof Takaaki Aoki, Kagawa University, Japan
When: 31.03.2022 at 10h-11h CET

What: Modeling information diffusion and posting behavior on Social media
Who: Prof Ryota Kobayashi, University of Tokyo, Japan
When: 03.03.2022 at 10h-11h CET

What: The Physics of Cities
Who: Prof Fabiano Ribeiro, Lavras Federal University, Brazil
When: 03.02.2022 at 16h-17h CET

What: The big science of small networks
Who: Prof Petter Holme, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
When: 16.12.2021 at 9h-10h CET

What: Delegation to autonomous agents promotes cooperation in collective risk dilemmas
Who: Dr Elias Fernandez Domingos, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
When: 25.11.2021 at 16h-17h CET

What: The socio-economic influence on developing brain
Who: Dr Roma Siugzdaite, Cambridge University, UK
When: 15.10.2021 at 16:30h-17h CET